
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Parade!

A few weeks ago we went to the Christmas parade in our town. It was a lot of fun.
We live close to Main Street so we walked up (in the freezing cold) to watch.
Here are a few pictures:
Here we are walking up there

We saw our friend M. You can't tell in this picture but she was pregnant.
The day of the parade was a day AFTER her due date.
She said she was going to try to walk 'em out.
Sidenote: She and J just had their precious son K on Monday. 8 lbs. 15 oz.
I think I'm in love.

You can't really see this from the picture, but that is the city's Shag Club. Worker Man saw it coming and tried to get me to look the other way.


He's not so fond of it. I'm trying to talk him in to joining. Yes, even though everyone on that float is 50+ years old. (FMIL, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being 50+)

Then there was a long string of "Hillbilly cars"
You know, the ones that backfire and have people in them that only have 2 teeth.
They were really fun...

Then, there were some random things.
Since it's a small town, they let anybody and everybody join in.
This came down the street and I didn't even know what to do with myself.
Just to make sure you understand, it's a car pulling a golfcart with stuffed animals all over it...

I thought that was pretty bad until I saw this...

Yes, it's a poop pumper. I think that is poop stain running down the tank to the left of the "S"
But, not only did they have this one, but they needed to display their new poop pumper as well...

Notice their slogan:
"We're #1 in the #2 business"
That thur is small town fer ya.