
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday!

Update: I accidentally linked this as "go bag" but it's really "fitness at lunch". Sorry WFMW gals!

I started a new job and there is a new thing that is really working for me.

Ya know how it's hard to get to the gym? Especially after you get home. There's typically no going back out to the gym to work out. Well, there is a gym at work and there are fitness classes there too. Everyday at lunch a group from the office (the group is essential for accountability) heads down to the aerobics class. We are able to get down there, work out HARD for 45 minutes, shower and get back upstairs in an hour.

It has honestly been the best thing for me. I feel so much better and don't feel stressed to come home and find time to work out. I would suggest this to anyone who has a gym at work!

It definitely works for me!


  1. This works for you young, cute girls who don't have to put makeup on to cover wrinkles...Love you anyway!

  2. I'm amazed that you can shower, get dressed and dry hair in 15 min. I guess since you are so darn young and adorable that you just don't need make-up!
