
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday!

You know when you are about to head out the door and there's like 14 million things you need to grab before you leave for work?

Well, I have a "go bag" that works for me. There's nothing special about the bag (well, except that Teeter and her family gave it to me for graduation) but what's special is the purpose of the bag. The bag hangs on one of the hooks right beside our door.

When we get done watching a movie from the RedBox (that'll have to be another WFMW post) I go ahead and throw it in the go bag so the next morning it's already there to take back. Along with that is any mail I need to take to the post office, anything I need to return to FMIL or someone at work, and anything I think about the night before that I need to take to work the next day. The next morning, I grab my go bag and throw it in the car. This way I have everything I need in the bag. No more late charges on movies or forgetting to send mail.

It's not some fabulous secret, but it works for me :)


  1. I have a bag too.....The Good Life with a peace sign...LOVE IT!!! It is one the kids got for me at Christmas...same purpose...carries everything from lunch to laptops!

    Your bag is KILLER tho! ;)

  2. I love your bag; it's beautiful! My method is just to put everything next to my purse. That way next time I go out and grab my purse, I can't help but grab the mail that needs to go to the post office, the library book that needs to be returned, etc. But your way is much prettier! :)

  3. That is a great concept and I do it also but with two kids I sometimes up with several bags in hand to haul all of our stuff to the car. Ha,Ha

  4. This is a GREAT idea! Sounds simple, and I've tried to use my purse as a "go bag" - but coupons, a water bottle and DVDs to return hardly fit in an already crammed purse. Love this idea!!!

  5. don't forget your banana...oh, like to keep those in your purse :) miss you. see you next week!
    love, jana

  6. I like your bag idea, the hooks by your door as well as the color of your walls! What color is it?

  7. This is a really great idea. Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a wonderful idea! That's simple and not complicated way of being organized. I'll be hanging me some hooks today! Thanks
